At the beginning of the week, you will focus a lot on the financial gain and you will also get success in it. In the first phase, especially if you want to borrow money from somewhere or create new economic sources, then try. A positive result can be found in it. Employed people will be able to easily beat their enemies or those who beat them back. The idea of changing job may come in your mind. Take special care that there is no loss of your position in the company. On the professional front, you will have the desire to complete the tasks at a fast pace due to high enthusiasm in you. Traders can benefit at the beginning of the week. This week your relationship with your spouse will become stronger. There will be ups and downs in love life. Now is a good time for students. You can make good efforts to prepare for a particular exam. At the end of the week, due to some adverse effects of the planets, your mental state may be disastrous. During this time you will also have physical weakness, this can increase health problems. If there is any problem now, do not panic. There will be a lot of possibility of running a fever or sudden rise in body temperature.
AstroKaka | Last Modified: October 13, 2020