Astro Kaka

Horoscope: October 25 2019

Horoscope October 25 2019


Work and pleasure are two different extremes that should not be combined today in a normal setting. For Aries, today is the perfect day to combine both extremes and you are going to get desired results from the two extremes. Simply let go and you are going to achieve results that will give you cause for joy. If you have a sportsmanlike spirit, then you will be blessed today if you can make an open display of it both at home and in the workplace. Take your chances as they come and you will be glad you did.


There is a thick cloud hovering over your success today. It will take people with the heart of steel and a determined resolve to achieve their purpose today. Never give up in your pursuits today; if a door is shut at you, move on to the next and continue knocking until you achieve your aims. 

You have to overcome negative thoughts that might want to compound your misery today because it will only weigh you down. Be positive all through today and you will be able to see beyond the cloud of disappointments today.


You have to be careful with your words today because what will be coming out from your mouth will not work well in your favor. If you want to make any crucial decision today; you have to weigh the pros and cons carefully well before you make a final decision.

You are having a bottled up emotion today and it will affect your decision because you are going to be reactionary in your actions. This is not a day to make decisions on important matters because of your emotional state of mind.


Money has wings, it will fly away if it is not properly handled and with extreme care. Do not think you have gotten the entire whole world in your hands with the money power at your disposal. There is a tendency that you are going to be reckless with your money in the early hours of today because you are going to spend unnecessary and it will not be in the best interests of your financial standing.

Take the matter of money spent with great care today most especially in the afternoon hours of today. If this advice is neglected; you are going to regret your recklessness of the afternoon at the close of today’s proceedings.


You are going to be very assertive in all your dealing today and you are going to get away with it. Today, considerations for others are not in your diary because you are going to do it solo and you are favored to achieve expected results. You are going to have considerations for yourself alone today while others will be left behind to lick their wounds.

However, in your business meetings and dealings, you should consider the contributions of others if you desired the best results. By combining other opinions and thoughts with what you have in your armory, you are going to achieve the best results on offer.


If you put away the pessimism in all that you do today, then you will be the ultimate winner both at work and on the home front. If you can do away with thoughts of failure today, then you are going to achieve much for yourself today at your place of primary assignment. Much will be committed to you today and you are going to excel in all at your place of work.

Applause and praise are reserved for you at your place of work today because you are going to achieve difficult milestones today at your place of work.


There two possibilities for Libra today. You are going to embark on a trip either for leisure or for business. Whichever way it turns out to be, you are going to have the best results out of any of the two if you embark on it. Therefore, keep your mind open and make sure that you grab the opportunities as they come your way.

The impact of any of the two trips will have a lasting effect on you; therefore you should make the best out of the situation when it presents itself today.


Life can never be a bed of roses. There are tough times in life whereby everything seems to work against our purpose in life. Today is the day that things will not go your way. This is a thick cloud of misfortune in the air; no matter how you try, no matter the efforts that you put in, you are not going to achieve expected results that will call for joy today.

The above represents what the Scorpio horoscope has in stock for all Scorpios and you have to get yourself prepared for a glooming day ahead of you.


This is your day of unimaginable exploits and you are going to receive accolades from people because of the output that is going to come out through your efforts. Your thinking faculty will amaze you today when you bring out the thoughts of your mind and you see the results that are produced as an outcome. Everything is in perfect order to favor you from the first second to the last minute of today.

In social circles, your dress sense will take your appearance to the rooftops and people will applaud the majesty in your appearance.


This is a day that you will want to forget in a hurry at the work front. The workload will be on the high side and you are going to burry self in the volume of work that is on the table which will be too much for you to bear. Capricorn horoscope for today also reveals that stress will easily accumulate and compound the issues that you are going to encounter at work today because everything will be at a standstill. You have to take it easy.

On a brighter note, this is the perfect day to make the move of purchasing that new car that you had in your plans.


The stars will favor Aquarius today. You are going to be praised at your workplace because of the output that is going to come out from you. So many will gather against your progress today; they will fall flat before you because of their inability to predict your line of action. The power of unpredictability that you are going to put into action today will give you the desired best results that you needed to move forward.

You are going to be rewarded at work today on account of your contributions to the progress of the company.


If you have any social obligations at hand, then you are advised to program such for the early hours of today because you are favored to achieve the best results before noon. All the plans will fall in line and you will be surprised at the outcome which you have never experienced in life for a long time to come.

Expect a call to action around noon which will interrupt your social enjoyment. Pisces horoscope for today also reveals that you are going to get the best benefits out of this day because there will be no unpleasant occurrence that will call for worry.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: October 25, 2019