Astro Kaka

Horoscope: October 21 2019

October 21 2019 Horoscope


The early hours of today will not bring anything that calls for cheer to Aries. Be prepared to face turbulent times today up until around noon when the siege will be over. After mid-day, you are going to forget about the challenges of the morning hours and things will brighten up for you. In the evening, you are going to have the best of times with a mixture of calmness and pensiveness. 

You are going to end on a bright note which is good for you because your cry in the morning will not last until the evening hours.


The assertive nature in you will be taken too far. This will lead to resentment and friction in the family. It is better that you toe the line of dialogue against the former if you are to avert the trouble that is sure to rear its head. Sit around the table and iron out the issues.

You are very likely going to face some tasks later in the afternoon that will stretch you to the elastic limit. Just take it easy and you will definitely pull through the challenges of the day.


Gemini will have it good today on all fronts. This is a special day and it comes very rarely in the year. It is a day of emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Get yourself ready to exploit all the good things that are in stock for you today. You are going to look back at the activities of today and be excited at the outcome of it if you take your chances.

Today is indeed loaded and it is best you take the chances as they come as the minutes roll into the hours today.


You are going to have anxiety over the health of one of your loved ones. Bear it in mind that your worries will not solve the problem. Rather take the bull by the horns by taking necessary action to restore the health of the troubled loved ones. The level of your enthusiasm for family matters will go down today. Be prepared to take necessary actions so as to revive the candle of harmony that is gradually burning out in the family.

Make an attempt to focus on your family today and you will be happier for it at the end of the day.


Expect challenges in your relationship today. Taking offense will not solve the issue if you want peace to reign in your family. Take it easy with your partner and take all that you consider as insults on your person calmly for the sake of peace and harmony. If you do, the peace in the relationship will remain intact.

You are going to have some tough challenges in your place of work today. You need to get yourself fully loaded to achieve expected results today. If you are extra careful and you refrain from reacting on the spur of the moment, you will sail through the challenges.


You are loaded with creative thoughts and ideas that you are not able to put out into practical reality. This is the day of your breakthrough if you do not keep to yourself. Share your thoughts and the breakthrough that you have been aiming at for some time will become a reality today if you share your inner thoughts with friends today. Read more about Virgo horoscope here.

You are going to be rated high by your loved one today if you take advantage of the opportunity to make her feel that you truly loved her.


If you have legal issues that have been giving you some cause for worry, you are going to get over the issue today. You will be favored in the proceedings and it will definitely lead to your happiness. You will be in a jovial mood today and it will enable you to face every hurdle thrown at your part. Your jovial mood today will aid you in achieving the best results ever in whatsoever you lay your hands on.

You will be favored and blessed by the heavens in all your undertakings today; it is your day of great exploits.


The circle of friends that you keep is your family today. Invite them to a social gathering today and you are going to fulfill what the day has in stock for you to the fullest brim. During the course of your social interactions today, impossible doors will be opened to you and you are going to get the best results on offer.

In the circle of the social gathering, you are likely going to come across someone whose relationship might lead to something permanent in the future. By going social today, you are going to be the best for it.


The element of self-righteousness will definitely define your day today. You have to come to the party today will a high sense of duty. Doing that will make you stand out today and you will definitely be celebrated without a doubt. The afternoon hours will, however, bring something that calls for worry, you are going to be disappointed with the turn of events at this hour.

The evenly brings something cheer because the disappointment of the afternoon will be wiped out in the arms of your lover. You will definitely end the day on a sound note.


There is power in communication. Something great is in you and you are likely to enroll in a course that will bring the best out of your communication skills. This is the day to take complete charge of the power of oratory in you. You are going to effectively use it to get the best results on offer for you through today.

Your assertive powers will be used tremendously over your colleagues today and you will get away with it. But towards the evening hours, you are likely going to encounter issues and hence you are advised to tread very softly.


Today is going to be rough for you at the place of your primary engagement. You are going to put many feet wrong and this will not go down well with your superiors. You are going to have it tough with your superiors because they will be furious at your below-average performance on the desk today.

You cannot have it going your way at all times. Luckily for you, you are going to find love in the arms of your lover during the evening hours when you get home and it will wipe away the disappointment of the day at the place of work. Explore more about Aquarius horoscope.


If there is any day that the heavens have decided to favor you, it is today-no doubt about that. Take your chances as they come because your level of intuition will be very high today. Important financial decisions that you make will yield the desired results today. There is no stopping you because the element of the business is in your favor today.

On matters concerning your love life, the decision that you take today will yield effective results that will lead to a long-lasting relationship that you will cherish forever. Today is simply your day of great exploits.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: October 23, 2019