Astro Kaka

Horoscope: 24 October 2019

24 October 2019 Horoscope


Your desire to socialize will yield expected positives today. Just go out and have the fun of your life and you are going to be the best for it. Your day is full of fun and you will be excited and happy in social circles with your friends. Today, there is no space for a dull moment in the calendar that is before you.

Simply go out and make the best of the opportunity today because new doors are going to be opened to you in your interactions with your friends. You are going to have a great day ahead!


You are going to have a smooth sail today and the reason why you should be on the ready alert to take the chances as they come. This is not the day to waste your energy on unproductive purposes because this day has an open check for you in terms of achievements that are likely to come your way.

The height of the Kilimanjaro mountain can be easily accessed by you today if you take your chances. You are favored with the highest degree of energy to go down to the deepest depth today to achieve the purpose that is in today. There is no stopping you today.


There is boredom in the air around you today. You are going to be tired and seek to do the same thing every other day at your place of primary assignment. You are going to wish you have the powers to turn fast the hand of the clock so that you will get out of your office environment today because everything around you will seem to stand stagnant.

There is something to cheer at the later part of the day in terms of monetary gains which may come in the form of family inheritance to you.

Check out your weekly detailed horoscope here


Your inner feelings will be too much for you to suppress today. You are strongly advised to let go of your feelings if you want to achieve the ultimate that is in stock for you today. Any attempt to suppress your inner feelings today will not yield the expected results that you are supposed to get today.

Let your work take the back seat today and go wherever your heart leads you. However, caution should be the word for you when expressing yourself in the public to avoid revealing what will bring you into trouble today.


If there is a day that natural confidence will work in your favor, today is it. You are going to achieve a lot today because your confidence level will remain at the rooftop from morning up until the going down of the sun. Just any task that is assigned you today, you are going to achieve desired results with effortless ease.

Therefore, if there is a special task that you have been shying away from because of the delicate nature of it, today is the day to go full throttle and get the desired results that will make people celebrate you.


If we are talking of a day that is loaded with pleasant surprises for Virgo, then today is that every day that will bring you expected results. The day is loaded with unexpected changes for the best. Be calm and watch events unfold for the best in your favor today from the dawn of this day to dusk. This is the day that you will be highly favored, with little or no inputs on your part, the results that call for cheer will come your way.

You are going to have a great time with the love of your life today.


Libra should approach today with some element of caution. It should be so if you come short of what you have projected for today. The long-awaited letter of employment will be delivered to you today. Expect to hear the international news that will stir you up today. Simply relax and watch the events unfold before you.

However, you are advised not to set a high target for yourself today because the results that matter will not just come your way. Moderation is the key as you go through your plans of action today.


Watch out for the thick cloud of worries that are going to envelop your day today. You cannot change what has been through your worries-statement of fact; so let things take their natural course. Banish the thoughts of anxiety and fear as they hit your subconscious mind today and you are going to be the best for that. Worrying will only add to the problem; it is never and will not be a solution.

The latter part of this day will bring you something to cheer over today. This is the reason why you are advised not to ruin the early part of today with your worries.


In your plan of action today, let work take the back seat and focus on having a swell time at the movies. Call in your friends as well as your loved ones and have the best time out at the movies today. You are going to get the best results that will enliven your day.

Create some time out for your family because time spent together today will be rewarding as well as refreshing. Take the entire family out today and you are going to get the best results ever that you never imagined possible from the entertainment notch. Read more about Sagitarrius horoscope here.


Modesty will rule your actions today. You have set realistic targets for yourself and that is what you need to get the best out of life. The Almighty controls the affairs of man, so it is best not to worry about what the next hour holds in stock but to set targets that you will be able to achieve is wisdom from above.

That is what you have done today and the results will come in your favor. People will notice your modest achievements today and applaud you on account of it. You are going to have a feeling of contentment today.


You are going to face some challenges today that will make mere mortals fall flat. But you are equipped and favored to take on just any obstacle or anyone that might want to stand along your path. Those that felt you have offended them in the past will gang up against you today but you are coming to the table with a force that can take on any foe.

Do not be intimidated by their numbers because if push comes to the shove, you are going to be the ultimate winner at the end of it all.


What you need to achieve the ultimate today is a positive mind. Do not approach issues today with a mind of pessimism but with an optimistic mindset if you are to overcome the challenges that will come with today. Make your plans in a well mapped out fashion and if you follow it one step at a time, you are going to get expected results that matter.

Implement your well thought out plans for today and the results that you are going to get will bring the smiles to your face at the end of today.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: October 23, 2019