Astro Kaka

Horoscope: 10 October 2019

10 October 2019 Horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If you are a freak for gadgets, then today you will be faced with ample opportunities to flaunt your technology know-how and impress all. Students with a science-oriented mind will propel in their studies. Astrokaka also advises home-makers to go all out with new recipes and not to worry about the outcome – your gas stove or oven won’t burst today.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Today, try to be more understanding with others, especially if is your spouse or partner. Try not to be selfish and demanding and neither try to impose your desires on others. Astrokaka suggests being more generous and warm with people. This will enhance warmth, love, and closeness with others.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

A busy day today as you might take on the task of organizing a religious function or visiting a place of religious importance. Expenses in charitable or religious work are on the cards. That said, Astrokaka suggests to focus on your daily work and not to ignore it while in pursuit of all these religious activities. Complete chores that are on your priority list first.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You have the gift of the gab which will impress people around you. You will benefit from your oratory skills. Today, you may face disagreement or get into an argument or friction with someone from your in-laws' side. A piece of apt advice by Astrokaka is to stay calm and keep your cool. Face all matters bravely to avoid mental stress.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Today is not an auspicious day for you, hence, let your business partner, spouse or significant other take all the important decisions today. Any decision taken today might have to be re-thought later. An important meeting will progress smoothly; however, you might not be able to commit to any final decision. Postpone everything important today, says Astrokaka.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

A radical change in you will happen due to your renewed enthusiasm for life, says Astrokaka. Others will see your intelligence by the way you handle tasks and complete them efficiently. Today is a great day to let people know how important and brilliant you are.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Today will be filled with joy, happiness, vigor, joy, and enthusiasm for you. You will get a chance to improve your knowledge in the company of intellectuals. It is your luck and destiny that will support you in any task you take at hand today. Hoping the best and success in your undertakings.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

A surge of disappointments will shake your determination and drain your confidence today, says Astrokaka. Hence, the best to deal with this is not to allow any let-downs to affect you or your state of mind. These are temporary and will eventually fizzle. Your juniors might force you to take drastic measures at work today. Be mindful.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Your energy at a record high as well as a cheerful you is what Astrokaka reveals for you today. You might want to enroll in a part-time or long-distance correspondence course today which will not only boost your confidence but help jog your memory alike. If you are in a legal profession, today will be a fruitful day for you.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Today your striking composition may not work on others. Your best plans may also go askew, as seen by Astrokaka. Tiffs with people over trivial issues will add to your growing aggravation. It is advisable to keep your calm and you will manage just fine.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Today, you will recognize the value of your occupation. You will choose to do away with all that has been obstructing your work till now. You also realize that you have to set some lasting goals in your vocation. It is advisable to seize the opportunity now while the intention still persists, says Astrokaka.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Today, your business partners will marvel at your business expertise, and they will also respect and take into account all the insights you provide to help them work more effectively. Today, you will also spend quality time with your family and loved ones and show them that they mean a lot to you, says Astrokaka.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: October 10, 2019