Astro Kaka

Daily Horoscope: November 12 2019

Daily Horoscope November 12 2019


You are going to be steady and very stable in your approach to work today. Old fond memories will define your attitude to work today and it shall be noticed by your colleagues and superiors alike. You are going to have it pretty smooth with your schedule at work today and will feel very happy with the outcome at work because the environment will favor you. You are going to have fun all through the day due to your meticulous approach to work and issues relating to work. You will be very meticulous with cash today. 


Caution is the word for Taurus today. You cannot have your way all the time. Any attempt to assert yourself over issues today will backfire. It will drive away people from you and this will impede your progress for the day. Speak less today because, in too much of talk, you will draw the ire of those around you because of your commanding tone. Do not start anything new today because the prospects are low; you will not achieve anything credible. Try going out for quiet meditation in a secluded part of town.


The path to success today is in careful planning. If the great outcome is to be ever achieved, then there should be an element of serious planning and this is the wisdom for Gemini today. Do not trust in your abilities if you want to succeed in what you are going to do today. You have to take time to work out the blueprint of the work before you today; make assurances doubly sure that you are in total control before you set out to execute the task. This is the only path to achieving lasting success for you today.


If the is a day that will demand a lot of both physical and mental energy, today is the day. New challenges will come up at your place of work and you will be expected to complete the task under very strict and tight schedules. There will be no breathing space for you today at work and you are going to be mentally tasked and under very serious pressure to achieve results. You will be at your excellent best to overcome the challenge which work will through at you today. Expect a tough day today.


Sentiments will rule your day today. You are going to be emotional about every issue that comes your way today. Your actions can be likened to that of the proud peacock today because you are going to bottle your feelings because you felt that you are above board. Your communication will come from your arrogant self and it will stand between you and success today if you do not take caution to put yourself in check. Be careful in your communication with your spouse or lover if you want a peaceful atmosphere at home. Read more about Leo horoscope here.


Who will warn Virgo today that what they see as failure is a stepping stone to breakthrough? You are enveloped by fear of the unknown and this force will prevent you from taking actions that will push you in the right direction. Time is a perishable commodity and should be handled with tack and carefulness; do not spend your day to day in fear because you will find yourself lagging if the necessary steps that matter were not taken today. Be positive that just anything is achievable if you put in the right efforts.


You are blessed all round today both at your place of work and on the home front because things will work in your favor. This is a day that you will have cause to celebrate the achievement of your child in their studies and it will be boosted by your promotion in your place of work. It shall be double joy for you today and you are going to be in cloud nine. In all of that however, you have to be moderate in your celebration so that you will not overdo things.


You are going to approach today with timidity and it will affect your fortunes today. Because you are not at the right place and at the right time, what you are supposed to achieve will be denied you today. You will not be in control from the first minute and this will make it practically impossible to achieve anything credible today. Mother luck will not be able to locate you; it is as bad as that. There will be hope towards the evening hours when things will work in your favor.


You have been guilty of procrastination. Are there any tasks that you have lined up but you have refused to take the necessary actions on it? Today is the day of execution. If you take action today, you are going to achieve results that you are going to be proud of because you are so favored today. Do not let any activity lie low without taking the necessary actions that matter on it because today is your day of breakthrough. The more you put into work today, the greater the results that will follow.


There is a reward for hard work. When a seed is planted, the harvest will not come immediately, that will take a couple of weeks. You have put in serious efforts into your work over the past denying yourself of the pleasures in social interaction with friends and acquaintances. Today is the day of the harvest because the fruits of sleepless nights will manifest today. You are going to have extra responsibilities in line with the success that you have achieved it will be handsomely rewarded. This is your day of harvest; a day you will be highly fulfilled.


You are in a terrific mood today; no task will be too tough for you to handle because you are so favored. You are the beast today at work that is ready to take on any form of the challenge; no matter the magnitude of the job, you will excel in it and make success today. However, you should be able to manage your weak side today if you are to receive total praise that you are entitled to. Watch your reactions to people at your place of work; if you feel cheated, take it with calm.


There is time for everything under the sun. If Pisces touch anything that has to do with money matters today, they will be at the losing end. You are not favored on matters of finance today; any involvements in that direction will lead to a reversal of fortunes. The advice to you is to suspend all financial dealings for today to avoid a reversal in your fortunes. If you want to avoid financial reversal, then please do not come near any form of financial dealings today. Let all actions in that regard wait until tomorrow.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: November 12, 2019