Astro Kaka

Daily Horoscope: November 1 2019

Daily Horoscope: November 1 2019


You will be your cheerful self today. There is no way for any margin of error through you today because you are going to be clinical in your execution of every plan today. As you come out of bed, you are going to be cheerful and this spirit will dominate your actions and reactions throughout today. So whatever your hands find to do today, do such with zeal because you are destined to make a success out of it. This is your day, the spirit of perfection will rule over everything that you lay your hands to do today.


If you stick to basics today, you will have the last laugh. Your imaginations will run wild and the influence of your friends will compound issues. In your state of confusion, you are advised to reflect before taking any actions if you are to avoid making costly mistakes today. You have to tread very softly today to avoid the inevitable. Do not make decisions on the spur of the moment but rather reflect on every matter before arriving at any decision. This is the way to avoiding the embarrassment that lies ahead of you today.


This day will turn out to be a productive day for Gemini. You are going to go far in all that you attempt doing today because you are so favored. If there is a special task that you have been having issues at achieving, bring it out to the table today and you will sail through effortlessly. Nobody can stop you today because today is your day of great achievements at work. After you have achieved so much at work, you are going to create space for other ventures at the home front which will act as icing on your cake today.

You may also like read your weekly horoscope here.


You are going to wake up today with an incredible bundle of energy. Nothing should be allowed to waste; the energy that you have today is not an everyday occurrence; hence you are advised to seize the opportunity and make the best out of it. If you want to announce yourself at your place of work in other to position you for that promotion that is vacant, then you have to show that today because you are favored to achieve the impossible. Your boss will note your achievement at work today; your colleagues will praise your efforts.


You are going to have the fun of your life today. Work will be pleasurable for you because things will work in your favor. The tasks assigned to you will be concluded in record time and you are going to have it smooth with your colleagues at work. Today is a very progressive day for Leo at work. Go out and have the best of fun after work today because the atmosphere is conducive for such. Forget about any worries that come across your mind today because all will end well on your behalf.


Today is the day to engage in humanitarian efforts because you can do that and you are going to affect so many lives for the best. If a price is to be given to the person with the best humanitarian candor, you will be the clear winner. You have a mixed bag of values before you today and you are favored to succeed in all that you lay your hands on today. Work on plans to increase your productivity today and it will become a practical reality.


Get prepared for a tough day ahead of you today. You have to fall back on your strong nature to get the results that matter during today because events around you will not be in your favor. Sad circumstances will envelop your day and your happy nature will be put to the test like never before. In the midst of all that, extra care should be taken to avoid a possible breakdown as it concerns your health. Watch what you eat today to avoid issues. Caution is the word for you today in all that you do.


You are going into today in two extremes and the combination of the two will bring out the best in you. You have endowed with incredible reasoning from the inner faculty of the brain and at the same time, you possess the power of a donkey. The combination of the two will work in your favor today at your place of work and you are going to be noticed. There is pleasure ahead of you in your place of work today. You are going to have fun at work and it will extend to the home front. Read more about Scorpio daily horoscope here.


You are going to have your hands full today. If you are not extra careful, you might end up today being confused and unable to achieve any set goal or objective. Things will happen in frenzy around you and any attempt to have a shot at all of them will lead to confusion and total loss of control. Be patient, cool and calm as the situation unfolds before you. Take a break out of the chaotic situation and, make the best out of it. That way, you will be able to achieve something for yourself today.


You have made efforts to get through the wasteful expenditure that you have involved yourself in the past and all your efforts to getting your account balance out of the woods have not yielded desired fruits; this is the day to take actions because the elements will favor your finances today. Any financial deals that you involve yourself in today will yield fruits that will surpass your wildest imaginations. There will be a reversal of fortunes for the very best today. Take your chances today because results that will gladden your heart will be gotten today.


You are very ambitious today and will face the activities of today with ruthless abandon. The results will come your way because you are prepared and determined to surmount all the odds on your way. You will achieve the level of success that comes your way today because you do not care whose horse is been gored. You will step on toes (rightly so too) on your way to the top today because the path is not for the lily-livered. People will celebrate your achievements today. To your success!


The challenges that today will throw at you will weigh you down. You are going to learn a bitter lesson about trust today; this will show you the reality of the reason why you should not place your trust in anybody. Today, you are going to meet with disappointment from an unlikely quarter and it will upset you. The power of meditation will see you through. Go to a quiet corner and have some meditation and you will get the best results on offer which will help inject a new lease of life into your troubled day.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: November 01, 2019