Astro Kaka

Daily Horoscope: December 6 2019

Daily Horoscope December 6 2019


You are going to have your hands full today. The stress of work will have its toll on you because you will not be given any breathing space from morning until the close of day. Do not expect any form of inputs in decision making and in mapping out of plans because you are going to be left alone to face the task. You will need all the energy to be able to wade through the challenges that are going to be thrown at your path today.


The early hours of today will prove very tasking. If you are not determined with a strong will power, you are not going to achieve any result that call for cheer. At the home front, you will not have it rosy because challenges will come up which will give you cause for serious concern. With a strong mental strength and will power, you are going to achieve something worthwhile in the later part of the day. Expect warm reception from your spouse as the day gradually winds down to a close.


I you are into retail business, then today is your day of breakthrough. When a seed is sown, there will definitely come the day of harvest and today is that day of harvest for those that are involved in retail business. Take all the risks that you can take and you can be sure of getting the rewards that will make you smile to the bank. You are indeed favored for great exploits today in everything that you are going to lay your hands on in retail business.


Prepare your mind for a tough day ahead of you today as you step out of your home to face the challenge that come with this day. This is a tricky day ahead of you because you are going to be faced with myriads of challenges that will bring you down to your knees if you do not come to the party with a strong will. You have been in this type of situation on several occasions; the experience of the past will help you out today. Avoid arguments today if you want to achieve best results.


You are going to have a relaxed atmosphere around you today. The environment will work in your favor today in the office because unlike other days when you felt like fish thrown out of the river, you are going get the best results from your inputs at work today. You will be favored today; it is a day of reward for all the troubles that you have passed through over the years. You will achieve results that call for cheer today in your office and in whatever you lay your hands on. Read more about Leo daily horoscope here.


If you own up to the mistakes of your past and seek solutions to avoiding such slips in future, you are going to get the best results that you are entitled to today. You are going to get the news that will be good music to the ear from your business partner if you are into joint business partnership.  Do not neglect the advice from your loved ones because it will give you the pathway to achieving the desired results that call for joy. You are going to spend the evening in the warm embrace of your spouse.


You will be emotional in your approach to issues today. There is the possibility that bottled up emotions that has been in you for a long time will find a way of expressions today and those around you will be amazed at the outburst of emotions through you today. You are going to be controlled by the outburst of your feelings and emotions; you are not going to be physically control of what you are going to lay your hands on today. Today presents mixed emotions for Libra.


You will be immensely successful today. No one will be able to stop your march unto glory today because you are going to be richly blessed today. Your march to victory cannot be hindered by any force of man today. However, you will get the best out of today if you are matured in the way you handle the reactions of people to your success today. You are going to be disappointed with some of the reactions of the people but do not allow that to ruin your success party today.


You have suffered from some losses in your recent past which have been giving you sleepless nights. All your efforts have not yielded the desired fruits and this has kept you in the wilderness for some couple of days in the past. Today, you are going to have a reversal of fortunes because luck will be on your side today; you are going to hit gold in your endeavors today and it will call for big celebration. Nothing will stop your forward march today and the results that call for cheer will be delivered to you on a platter of diamond.


You are going to be in an unusual position today because your boss will look up to you for the results that matter. You are going to be immensely successful in all your inputs today and it will bring you many enemies at your work front today. Your colleagues will be jealous of your inputs today at work. You are advised to be mindful of your celebrations so that you will not overdo things on one hand and incur the wrath of your jealous colleagues on the other hand. More about Capricorn horoscope for today.


Today is not a day that you are to set the target. You are not in your best of elements today. Though you are putting in your best; you are not going to get the results that call for cheer today because of the magnitude of forces that are working against your success. You cannot win all the time; today you have to accept your fate and look forward to a brighter tomorrow that will bring some creatively better. The luck will not smile on you today; it is set for another day.


You have spent a lot of energy in nurturing some inner circle of friends in your past. Though you have not gotten any benefits from them that you can be proud of; but today; you are going to thank your stars that you have invested in such circle of friends. The table will not be in your favor today because you are going to find yourself in a complete mess. However, just when you are about resigning yourself to fate; help will come through the inner circle of friends to rescue you from the tight situation.

AstroKaka | Last Modified: December 06, 2019